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  • Do you find yourself working in messy situations that are constantly changing?

  • Where your standard solutions don’t work anymore?

  • Where decision making becomes difficult because there are no clear solutions and experts do not have answers?

  • Where your biggest issue to planning is your uncertainty about the future?

  • Where the present situation can be understood from many and sometimes conflicting perspectives?


  • This 2-day training will offer alternative ways of thinking about complex challenges.

  • We will explore:

    • The difference between simple, complex, and chaotic situations and the different approaches needed for each one using the Cynefin Framework.

    • The key principles for working in complexity to generate actions for your context.

    • How our own human complexity and cognitive bias adds another layer to the complexity already out there.

    • Specific methods for seeing, understanding, and influencing action in uncertain environments including Future Backwards, Ritual Dissent, Safe-To-Fail Probes, Adaptive Action.

  • Please bring your challenges, sticky issues, intractable problems, and yourself of course!


  • There are no pre-defined recipes that we can learn and apply to guarantee success in a complex situation. However, complexity theory offers principles and practices that allow us to make enough sense to take action in messy situations, to move beyond feeling lost or hopeless.


  • The training content draws on the work of Cognitive Edge and Human Systems Dynamics. It is designed in a way that will allow you to apply what you are learning to your own questions, challenges, opportunities.

  • The training is based on participatory learning. Please sleep before you arrive, you will not get a chance during the training!


  • The world and the environments we work in are becoming more and more complex, uncertain, and unpredictable. The digital globalised interconnected world brings changes from all directions, at all levels, all the time. How can we manage organisational change and development in the 21st century? Can we manage it?

  • Change has changed; however most of our change models were created for 20th century issues, and are still in use. Many people are recognising that the mechanical model of planned change is no longer relevant in a world that makes plans old before they are even finished. Organisations and people often feel stranded in between the past and future, with the problems of both and the benefits of neither.

  • Organisations cannot avoid this new world and the uncertainty that comes with it. New ways of thinking and acting are needed to create organisations that are resilient, that are able to embrace and thrive in uncertainty, not try to eliminate it. Approaches from the field of complexity science offer a way forward. They include working with organisations as if they are living systems that are constantly changing and evolving, rather than treating them like machines that need designing and controlling.




  • This training is designed for people who work in constantly changing and unpredictable environments and have to make decisions.

  • You could be public sector, business, NGO, project and process designers and managers, community organisations, consultants, facilitators, team managers and leaders.

  • This training will be delivered in English only.



  • We are offering three options to make this training more accessible. Which ever option you choose, you will receive the same experience.

  • We invite you to chose the option most suitable to your budget. We trust you to make an ethical decision and will not question it!


  • 6,000 Lei = Standard cost. (About 300 Euro)

  • 4,000 Lei = Reduced cost. (About 200 Euro)

  • 2,000 Lei = Lowest cost. (About 100 Euro)


  • For comparison, similar training in the UK costs over 1,000 Euro.


  • Once we receive your application, we will send you the payment instructions.

  • Once we receive your payment, your place on the training will be confirmed.

  • We will provide an official receipt for your payment.


  • The cost includes:

    • 2 days of training.

    • Two breaks with teas, coffee, fruit.

    • Digital materials sent at the end of the training.


  • The cost does not include:

    • A pen and notebook - please bring your own.

    • Lunch - will not be provided.

      • Please bring your own or go to a local restaurant.

      • Ordering delivery to the venue is also possible.

    • Lunch options:

      • Cafe de Italia, 4-5 min walk.

      • La Roma, 4-5 min walk.

      • Andys Pizza, 7-8 min walk from the venue (near Academy of Economic Studies).

      • Burger Craft, 7-8 min walk from the venue  (near Academy of Economic Studies).




  • The training will take place at the Keystone Training Centre, Chisinau, Moldova.

  • We have chosen this organisation because it is a social enterprise.

  • The venue has parking available.

  • The training will be from 09:30-17:30 on the 08-09 February 2020.





Marcus Jenal. (blog)














  • Marcus has 12 years of experience in interdisciplinary, systemic development. He has supported organisations to conceptualise, implement, monitor, and evaluate systemic change programmes in complex contexts at the interplay of the social, economic, and environmental spheres.

  • Marcus is passionate about supporting organisations and teams in strategy development and decision making support under conditions of uncertainty. He is accompanying teams in the development of processes for decision-making, joint sensemaking and continuous learning and adaptation in complex change initiatives. 

  • Marcus' approach is to stimulate the co-creation of learning strategies and change activities. He support his clients in their explorations to make their own learning journey more meaningful and effective. Learning is at the heart of achieving change and my aim is to provide a structure for more meaningful learning.

  • He is also applying innovative approaches to monitoring and research that are specifically tailored to assess complex change processes, including Outcome Harvesting and Cognitive Edge’s SenseMaker® approach.


Bhavesh Patel.














  • Bhav has more than 15 years of experience designing and facilitating meetings to explore organisational issues and opportunities, and offers skills training in coaching, communication, and facilitation.

  • His approach is to use complexity-informed participatory methods that engage collective intelligence and leadership. These include Open Space Technology, Cognitive Edge, World Cafe, Human Systems Dynamics, and more. He believes that in an increasingly complex world there are no off-the-shelf solutions. Organisations can find their own answers through engaging the hearts and minds of their own people.

  • His education includes a Masters in Management Psychology.

  • His clients have included Motorola, Deutsche Bank, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Aberdeen Asset Management, Lafarge, Bangkok Bank, Endava, World Wide Fund for Nature, World Health Organisation, Initiatives of Change, Initiative Mittel Und Osteuropa, EcoVisio, Peace Corps, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, UNICEF, Expert-Grup, Mobiasbanca, IM Moldova, Wikimedia, Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation, and more.




“Should be attended by all managers or experts who work in constantly changing environment and with social structures.”


“It is a course that will leave more questions than answers. If you feel like you are in a dead-end situation, this course will show you possible ways of approaching your behavioral model.”


“You will be surprised at the insight it gives you on how you look at problem solving and yourself.”


“If you really want go into depth of rational decision making process and if you curious why sometimes even experts fail - you should apply!”


"Helps to make sense of reality and challenges, identify interconnections and get easy and useful tools to search for solutions and see what works. Must skills for our days!"


“Working with people and conflicts I realize that there are no quick simple answers for the most situations, no guarantees, no "magic" (suitable for any situation) tools. This workshop provides a very good opportunity and a safe space to adventure into complexity and to find some important principles and just enough sense for action.”


“If you try to accept the complexity but every time feel confused, don't worry, that's fine. What to do next? To find out come to the "Working with complexity" training".”


“This course is something that you need to know right now! Don't waste a minute & register, because it'll help you to live & work in this crazy world, giving you the right tools to any situation you may face nowadays.”


“A very transformational experience and the best training opportunity in years. If I could recommend only 2 trainings that I attended to someone, this one would be among them.”


“Complexity apply to all the spheres of your life, you should once know and try it and finally get aware that there is no need to worry about yourself and life around. Just relax and enjoy the journey of you complex though interesting life!”


“It helps to change the attitude to complexity and not to be afraid that you don’t have the answer in the first 10 seconds for each problem or challenge.”


“If you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, this training can help to shrug and stop perceiving complexity as something unbearable and confusing.”


“It’s course about how to run and never stop when nothing is clear.”


“I would describe it as a fresh air during everyday routine. Moreover it was nice that theory wasn't about classification but about using it in practice. Networking was great, exercises were fun and useful, and trainer was more than fun and professional. I really-really enjoyed it.”


“It is a useful course that covers important and difficult questions that president and staff of NGO face in their work.  We learned few models and methods how to work out problem in a team.  This course helped to understand taking decisions in difficult situations there must be taken into account all thoughts and sides. Because you personally can see the problem from only one side.”




  • This training is organised by 'Partners in Facilitation and Participation'.

  • 'Partners in Facilitation and Participation' is a prototype under EcoVisio.

  • Our aim is to offer this training and future training at affordable prices to make them available to as many people as possible in Moldova and beyond!

  • Our mission is to empower people with the mindsets and methods for participation and collaboration because we believe our future depends on our ability to be together and to work together.

  • In 2018, we organised a Group Facilitation Methods training.




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